3 Upcycled Clothing Projects!

What’s refashion? Taking old clothes and making something new with them! Here are 3 project ideas to get you started. Can you think of any of your own? Adult Clothing Upcycled for Kids Thrifty, fun, and creative, this website shares […]
3 Upcycling Projects Kids Will Enjoy!

Upcycling, also known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming existing products into new items. This week’s projects use common items you probably have around the house and repurpose them into something new (and creative!). Upcycled Picture Books Have […]
Recycled Build – 3 Cool Ideas!

Exercise kids creativity, problem solving, and engineering skills with these build ideas – inspired by our September theme of recycled materials! Toilet Paper Roll City Kids and parents will love this fun recycled build project – just imagine the possibilities! […]
Art: Recycled!

Looking for art inspired by recycling? Here are 3 projects this week to keep kids busy, learning, and engaging in their creativity! Art Savers The youngest hands and minds will create fantastical art with items you probably already have! Wind […]